The first mini in 2020 is also the last in 2019. Of course, I was going to paint John McClane for Christmas, but then real life happened and suddenly it’s January. But I think it’s indisputable that you can watch Die Hard all year long. I love the first two movies, while I don’t remember the later sequels very well – would I have to? Honestly, I don’t really remember if I even saw them all. There was something in Russia, something about a plane falling on John McClane. Or? With the first two films, on the other hand, there are no misunderstandings at all!

John McClane is from Studio Miniatures, from the great Survivors series, which also includes Dirty Harry. I cut a blister into very small pieces and put them on the base to represent broken glass. Then I wasn’t able to take a good picture of it, so… yeah, as I mentioned before: Better pictures are on the list for this year. Still, a fun figure and a good start for 2020. I also have Hans Gruber, but I think that will have to wait until Christmas again. At least the first part of Die Hard I will watch again now!