Today the blog is one year old and the whole family comes together to celebrate. Happy Birthday! I thought I should throw a little party and take a picture with all miniatures I painted since I started the blog a year ago. Lots of awesome stuff from Crooked Dice, Studio Miniatures, Hasslefree, Knight Models, Stronghold Terrain, Elladan, Fenris Games and Forge of Ice and many more.

Soon after starting the blog I also opened social media channels on Instagram and Facebook because I wasn’t connected into any Tabletop communities and if you want to share your work you need people to know you exist. While the blog works as a base, but remains more or less silent if you look at the comments, my social media accounts are a constant source for comments, suggestions and criticism. I really enjoy being around with likeminded hobbyists (at least digital) and I want to say thank you to everyone who interacts with me and my projects somehow. I already learned a lot from you talented and/or passionate folks and had interesting and funny discussions about glue, paints, basing and what not. Highlight of the year was probably to meet some of you in Hamburg at the Tactica. As I learned afterwards, even more of you have been there but we didn’t know from each other, so I expect to meet lots of you next year. Despite all the crazy circumstances with Covid19 I usually like to be optimistic, so I’m sure it’s going to be another awesome second hobby year.
To make it not any longer, I just say thank you to everyone who reads this. Stay well, safe and passionate all you movie and miniature lovers! Happy Birthday!