Arkham Asylum

German podcast “Die Hobbyisten” called for a terrain challenge and I took that reason to start building my next terrain pieces. Until the end of August any terrain piece should be built, painted and posted under the hashtag #hobbyistenterrain. Since autumn is approaching and I have a lot of scary movies on my schedule again, I wanted to build a modular photo background: A cemetery setting framed by an old wall with an old, creepy gate. Fittingly, I found a great gate from Fenris Games, which is even labeled “Arkham Asylum”. Perfect for future Batman and Lovecraft pictures!

The Arkham gate came with two brick columns and fence elements. I wanted to place the fences on suitable walls, so I made appropriate bricks from Styrodur and glued the fences on them. The bases were made of balsa wood, sand and stones. I tried to make hedges out of that gray foam that our beloved (white metal) miniatures are usually packed in, but I’m not really convinced of the result. Maybe one day I will revise them. They should be removable if I want to take pictures without hedges. All in all, I like the finished piece, even if I’m not completely satisfied. Anyway, the challenge was good to get off my butt and get started on the next terrain project. Now it’s on to some tombstones!

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Batman/DC and tagged .

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